Tuesday 3 December 2013


After enjoying a hearty lunch that was composed of two ugalis and three quater kilograms of nyama choma, my friend Sarah Nalyanya could not hide her surprise when I told her that I am a stand up comedian. She even let out a small scream when I said I was soon going to do a comedy tour! It is funny therefore how she quickly believed me when I informed her that I am in Musikari Kombo's campaign team!

If the small meetings at Barasa's Park inn Kimilili are anything to go by, then I am indeed campaigning for Nasipwondi's son.

I know friends who are making that noise Sarah Nalyanya made when she learnt my job. well, let me state categorically that I am in it for the money and I do not support the ideologies of New Ford Kenya! There are those of the view that I am not political (especially my girlfriend) but what do you expect? I am a grandson to Mwalimu Sylvester Wakoli Bifwoli! Whom I am sure will not win...

That said the, it is hereby my duty to war Honourable Moses Wetang'ula... the son Of Nasipwondi, also known as Owa Nasipwondi by the people from my village, is seriously almost winning the upcoming by-election in Bungoma county.

Before I am labeled traitor by my fellow "foot soldiers" (that is what we, door-to-door campaigners in Kombo's camp call ourselves) I hereby stae that I am not a registered voter in Bungoma county... My name is in one of the IEBC register in Uasin Gishu, the county where I almost voted... Now they have a good reason to stone me!
Back to the good man Wetang'ula, Owa Nasipwondi means to win by all means. I have witnessed and also taken part in his aggressive campaign. He is directly in touch with over 300 voters in each polling station. Weta you got to work hard sir!

Owa Nasipwondi is also successfully soiling Wetangula's name. He has managed to convince almost half of the county that Musa is responsible for all the violence in the ingo county. Talk of the killing of Advocate Wanyonyi and Weta's name is dragged in. The annoying Eugene Wamalwa even gave a dramatic moment of silence for the good lawyer and then went ahead to accuse Mose of murder in front of a crowd of hardworking kimililians!

talk of death threats to Kombo supporters in Sirisia and the CORDed Moses Wetang'ula's name is dragged in! He is trying to sway voters by tarnishing other's name. And it is working.

Owa Nasipwondi Musikari Kombo might be the next senetor of Bungoma county!

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